Great Fast resources
Beloved in the Lord,
As we approach the Great forty days' Fast (Great Lent) I want to help prepare and encourage you with these various resources for your Lenten journey.
The season of the Great Fast is the time of preparation for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. It is the living symbol of a human's entire life which is to be fulfilled in your own resurrection from the dead with Christ. It is a time of renewed devotion: of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It is a time of repentance, a real renewal of our minds, hearts and deeds in conformity with Christ and his teachings. It is the time, most of all, of our return to the great commandments of loving God and our neighbors.
In the Orthodox Church, Great Lent is not a season of morbidity and gloominess. On the contrary, it is a time of joyfulness and purification. We are called to “anoint our faces” and to “cleanse our bodies as we cleanse our souls.” The very first hymns of the very first service of Great Lent set the proper tone of the season:
"Let us begin the lenten time with delight . . . let us fast from passions as we fast from food, taking pleasure in the good words of the Spirit, that we may be granted to see the holy passion of Christ our God and his holy Pascha, spiritually rejoicing."
"Your grace has arisen upon us, O Lord, the illumination of our souls has shown forth; behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the time of repentance" (Vespers Hymns).
It is our repentance that God desires, not our remorse. We sorrow for our sins, but we do so in the joy of God’s mercy. We mortify our flesh, but we do so in the joy of our resurrection into life everlasting. We make ready for the resurrection during Great Lent, both Christ’s Resurrection and our own. (source)
Resources for Great Lent
Read about the services of Lent here.
Read about Presanctified Liturgies here.
Read about the Sundays of Lent here.
Orthodox Pebbles Resources for KIDS! is here.
Attending Services during Lent
This is the season of a marked increase in divine services. Please simplify, plan ahead, and prepare yourself for attending as many of the services of the Church as possible. I especially encourage a serious effort for laying that groundwork in the first week of Lent. There is a service to attend every day. Take turns with your spouse in attending services. Turn off Netflix, silence your phone notifications, give of your time and treasures, eat less, and pray more. You will discover that Christ is closer to you than you are to yourself...
Praying during Lent
Seek God in prayer. Read the Psalms. Do your morning and evening prayers. Consult the priest and get a prayer rule. Read these homilies by St. Theophan on prayer. Memorize the prayer of St. Ephraim appointed to be read during the weekdays of Lent. Pray and do prostrations. Use your prayer rope! Seek God in prayer.
Fasting during Lent
“Let us fast with a fast pleasing to the Lord. This is the true fast: the casting off of evil, the bridling of the tongue, the cutting off of anger, the cessation of lusts, evil talking, lies and cursing. The stopping of these is the fast true and acceptable.” (Monday Vespers of the First Week).
Fast according to the tradition of the Church. Unless you cannot do so, seek advice as to how to enter into the fast. Refrain from unnecessary and excessive food and drink. The Fathers are clear that our war against the passions starts with fasting. Here is a refresher essay from Metropolitan Kallistos Ware and Mother Mary on the True Nature of Fasting. Here is also a wonderful reflection from Fr. Sergei Sveshnikov Fasting for Non-Monastics. Read more about fasting here.
Almsgiving during Lent
Almsgiving is another invaluable pillar of Lent and of our lives in Christ. Read this reflection on almsgiving. One of the assumptions of the Fast is that the money we save through fasting is owed to the poor. Find a way to give, give in secret, give generously, and give from your heart.
Confessions during Lent
We are given 40 days of the Lenten Season before we enter Holy Week. Please make your confession during these 40 days. I am available for confession by appointment as well as after Vespers on Saturdays. I will not be hearing confessions after the evening service on Holy Wednesday, unless there is a particular need (distance, illness, etc.). If you have any questions please let me know!
"Even if we fall a hundred times a day, it does not matter; we must get up and go on walking toward God without looking back." - Elder Thaddeus, Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives
Spiritual Reading during Great Lent
“Hearken, I entreat you, all you that are careful for this life, and procure books that will be medicines for the soul.” St. John Chrysostom
PDF of entire Old Testament Readings for Great Lent - compiled by Deacon Raphael Shelton
The Lenten Triodion translated by Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) and Mother Mary online or hardcover
To the indolent soul by Saint Ephrem of Nisbis
On watchfulness by Elder Aimiianos (talks give by Bishop Emilianos of Meloa)
On the holy lenten fast by Saint Dorotheos of Gaza
Homily on the publican and the Pharisee by Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Kontakion on the prodigal son by Saint Romanos the Melodist